Creative Practice for a Busy Life

Written by Megan Stern

When life really gets going it always seems that hobbies, side projects, and personal creative endeavors are the first things to go. Here are three essentials for keeping your creative practice going in your busy life: 

1. Make Some Room 

When I had my first child, he shared a room with my art supplies. At some point I shifted to making art in the kitchen (Baby’s got to nap!), taking over the dining table, counters, and floor in turn. Over the years, I have made do with studio spaces both inside and outside of my home, enjoying the pros and cons of each. But what’s been the most important has been simply having a place that is mine for making art. It doesn’t matter if the only space available is a table in the corner—make a space that is your dedicated creation spot. 

2. Take Some Time 

Do you have a notebook full of ideas you’ve yet to realize? Or a list on your phone of creative projects that you really have got to get to sometime? I know I do. Something I have learned is that time to create will not force itself upon you. There is always something else to swoop down and swallow free time as soon as it shows up. This may mean an hour every other day before you start your day job, 30 minutes during lunch, or maybe just 15 minutes every day after you put the kids to bed (the laundry and dishes can wait, right?). Whatever the amount of time you can take, consistent efforts over time yield results.

Whether you’re looking for inspiration, struggling with a creative outlet or wanting a fresh take on perspectives in the art world, taking the time to create is important. Once you have established taking the time for your passion, there are various outlets to let your creativity flow. Whether it’s refining or refreshing your creative vision and style, trying a new art medium or even signing up for an artistic class or retreat, you’ll never regret prioritizing your creative practice.

3. Get Some Support 

We all know the story: you make a stellar New Year’s resolution and then keep it faithfully—for two days. By February, it’s history. The same thing can happen with a creative practice all too easily. You get into a good creative groove, then life gets going, and suddenly you can’t remember the last time you were in the studio. But, like New Year’s resolutions, when you have a buddy doing it too, you both have a greater probability of achieving what you set out to do. You rally around each other, reminding each other that what you are doing is worth it. This kind of support can take on many forms, like getting together a critique group, maintaining membership in an art association, participating in a social media makers event, taking a class or even making seasonal crafts with family and friends. Making art with others can be a great way to break the mold and get a fresh take on your creativity. 

Selling your art is another great way of maintaining a sense of support. Whether it’s as simple as showcasing pieces in your home and inviting friends and family over, a fun way for those to see how your personal style translates through your art, selling your art in local coffee shops or even participating in an art show, there are various avenues for advertising your art and gaining support that can accommodate your busy life. 

Always be sure to find something that keeps you motivated and creating. 

Last Updated September 15, 2022